Veterinary Nurse Duties

NOTE: Only persons approved or authorised by the Veterinary Practice Board may perform the duties of veterinary nurses

Schedule 4 of the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 sets out the acts of veterinary medicine that may be performed by veterinary nurses.

Division 1 - Acts authorised to be carried out under personal supervision of a veterinarian

(1) assist the surgeon to perform surgical procedures
(2) dental prophylaxis, including simple extraction of teeth
(3) superficial surgical procedures (such as suturing skin)
(4) taking images using x-rays, ultrasound, ECG or similar imaging techniques, in accordance with the Radiation Safety Act 1975 and any other relevant written law
(5)  taking samples for the purposes of pathology tests
(6) setting up and supervising intravenous drips and transfusions
(7) inserting and removing indwelling catheters for the administration of intravenous fluids
(8) assisting with and monitoring the administration of anaesthetics
(9) monitoring the recovery of animals from anaesthesia

Division 2 - Acts authorised to be carried out under direction of a veterinarian

(10) physically examining animals;
(11) giving general health advice in relation to weight loss, nutrition, parasite control and similar matters;
(12) isolating animals and carrying out barrier nursing;
(13) administering scheduled drugs;
(14) supplying to customers medication specified by the registered veterinary surgeon;
(15) dressing wounds and post-surgical care;
(16) supervising, caring for and nursing animals;
(17) performing clinical pathology tests.

Veterinary Nurse Student Duties

Students enrolled in a veterinary nurse training course run by a registered training organisation my perform the above acts of veterinary medicine under the personal supervision of a veterinarian